Space Coast Coupons Inc.

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8501 Astronaut Blvd
Cape Canaveral, FL 32920 Cape CanaveralRate and review
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The Magnificent Seven Media Facts Of Couponing

1. Coupons have the effect of expanding or increasing your market area. We know that consumers will travel far to redeem a valuable coupon.
2. Coupons will entice new customers that have been shopping at your competitor. It's a proven fact that consumers will break routine shopping patterns to take advantage of a good coupon offer.
3. Coupons attract new residents when they are actively in the market for products and services.
4. Coupons will re-activate old customers. Those customers that have been lured away by your competitor will start buying from you again when you give them a good reason to do so.
5. Coupon advertising provides the opportunity for additional profits through sale of related items. (Business owners often forget this.) When you offer a special "deal" on a coupon to invite a customer to do business with you, you have to remember that this same customer will probably end up buying additional items that carry a full profit margin.
In addition, you also are being given the opportunity to "sell-up" to a more profitable product or service. You would not have had this opportunity had it not been for the coupon getting the customer through the door in the first place.
6. Coupons build store traffic which results in additional impulse purchases.
7. Coupons are measurable and accountable Don't overlook that couponing is the most measurable and accountable form of promotion.
It's simply a matter of cou

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