AAU 321TrackStars Practice Mon, Tues, & Thur. from 5:15-6:15 at Cocoa High School.
Athletes must attend two practices per week to compete on Saturday. Athletes should wear moisture-wicking, light-colored fabrics to practice, and bring a water bottle and towel. Appropriate running shoes are required. Spikes are recommended for competition.
321 TrackStars Expectations:
The 321 track program is designed to produce Elite Student Athletes through hard work and determination. We will train hard and do whatever it takes to be successful. Expectations to perform your best every day are mandatory as we will strive for improving performance. We will not worry about other competitors. Our goals are for self-improvement that results in team success. In order for 321TrackStars to maintain high quality performances, we expect the following from the athletes in our program:
1. Athletes should attend practice consistantly for desired improvement. Atleast two practices per week and four(4) meets by June District Qualifier. This is so Coaches can decide what event best fits the Athlete. Communicate missing practices, schedule conflicts (Coach Rae Kameka 3058042903)
2. Medical issues should be addressed immediately. Please contact Coach Rae Kameka Or Coach Jeff Edgecombe.
3. Athletes are required to wear proper workout and meet attire. Proper shoes in good condition should be worn in practice as well as meets.
4. We will focus on 6 areas – warming up, stretching, working out, cooling down, s
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