According to the club constitution, the actual community on the EFSC-Cocoa
campus follows these standards of membership:
1. membership shall consist of students currently enrolled with an active B# at Eastern Florida State College in good standing with student code of conduct
2. no academic qualifications restrict club membership
3. students may claim membership by adding their names, B#, and contact information to our club roster
4. students may resign membership at any time by informing the executive board of their intent to terminate in person or via email, or phone; non-attendance will not constitute non-membership and student will remain on the roster/mailing list for one academic year
5. membership is considered active if student attends a minimum of one meeting per month and participates in a minimum of one special activity or event per term
6. voting privileges are limited to active members who attend the on-campus meetings, events, and activities
7. members may bring guests to all meetings, activities, and events
8. members are entitled to courtesy, camaraderie, reader feedback, participation in activities/events/elections, and online discussion forum registration/participation