Merritt Island High School

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100 East Mustang Way
Merritt Island, FL 32953 Merritt IslandRate and review
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Merritt Island High School is a public high school located in Merritt Island, Florida. It was built in 1965.MissionIn a tradition of excellence known as "Island Style" Merritt Island High School provides a safe and nurturing environment where individuals are empowered to think independently, communicate effectively and contribute to a global society.PrincipalsRobert Bruton 1965-1983Hank Smith 1983-1999David M. Piccolo 2002Gary Shiffrin 2002 - 2013 Dr. Karyle Green 2013 - 2014 Mollie Vega 2014 - CurrentOffice Hours and Address7:30 AM - 4:00 PM100 E. Mustang WayMerritt Island, FL 32953Contact InformationMain Office: 321.454.1000Attendance: 321.454.1003Guidance: 321.454.1005Dean's Office: 321.454.1016AcademicsMerritt Island High School is accredited. The school offers classes for grades 9-12, including Honors courses, Advanced Placement courses, and courses with the Dual Enrollment program at Eastern Florida State College.To graduate, students must earn a minimum of 26 credits. Each semester-course is equal to a half credit.AthleticsTeams wrestlingState Championships Boys Soccer 4A championship - 2009. 3A championship - 2014. Girls Soccer 4A championship - 2010. 3A championship - 2017. American football 4A championship - 1972, 1978 & 1979. Baseball 5A championship - 1999 & 2000. Volleyball 5A championship- 2011

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