Thu Sep 13, 9:00 AM - Thu Sep 13, 12:00 PM
Cruise Terminal #1
9050 Discovery Rd, Cape Canaveral, FL 32920
Community: Merritt Island
The Canaveral Port Authority's Annual Reverse Trade Show offers area businesses
Event Details
A unique and no-cost opportunity to maximize connections with purchasing professionals who source a full range of goods and services from MRO supplies to construction and consulting contracts. The show allows for typical trade show roles to be "reversed".
The Canaveral Port Authority and other local government agencies set up tables as exhibitors. Vendor representatives are then able to freely move around the exhibit hall and visit the tables to introduce their business and the products and services they provide.
The Canaveral Port Authority and other local government agencies set up tables as exhibitors. Vendor representatives are then able to freely move around the exhibit hall and visit the tables to introduce their business and the products and services they provide.