Sat Dec 21, 11:00 AM - Sat Dec 21, 7:00 PM

Port St. John

Port St. John, Port St. John, FL 32927

Community: Titusville


The 30th Annual Port St. John Christmas parade will take place on December 21, 2019, 11 AM, in Port St. John. The parade route will be approximately 1.2 miles long and the estimated time will be 45 minutes for each float/group to travel the route.

Event Details

The 30th Annual Port St. John Christmas parade will take place on December 21, 2019, 11 AM, in Port St. John. The parade route will be approximately 1.2 miles long and the estimated time will be 45 minutes for each float/group to travel the route. We are hoping
for 85-100 participants. Please send your entry in early.

The theme of this year’s parade will be “Christmas Carols.” Floats and decorations should be planned toward the theme. All entries will be judged and plaques awarded. Categories include Theme, Christmas Spirit, Creativity, Marching Musical and Marching Non-Musical. NO FLOAT MAY FEATURE A LIVE SANTA CLAUS. Young children don’t understand why there are 40 Santas and we have Santa on his float at the end of parade.

For More Information and Christmas Parade Entry Form visit:


Please remember that Port St. John is not a city and the county does not pay for our parade. This is something we do ourselves for the community and our families.
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30th Annual Port St. John Christmas Parade

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Heather new update 5 years ago
Too much advertising on the parade
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