We will be fishing in the Mosquito and the Indian River Lagoon both have really shallow waters and very little structure or oyster bars to break off a fish so we can use light tackle. The Lagoons have very clear water most of the time and I am able to Push Pole my Guest to tailing Redfish and Trout and you can make long cast to the tailing fish without them knowing we are there.We will be using tackle with braided line 8 to 10 pound test with 20 pound fluorocarbon leader. We will be casting topwater plugs as well as plastic baits or live baits if that is what you would like to use . My goal is to give you the rod and reel with the right baits to live up to the challenge you will have when you get a larger Trout or a 25 pound Redfish on your hook. There will be other times of the year we will be using larger tackle when the Big Redfish get in large schools
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